Specialist Oral, Jaw & Facial Surgeons for Auckland

Dental Implants & Zygomatic

Dental Implants and Zygomatic In Auckland:

A dental implant is an excellent way to replace a missing tooth/teeth. They are generally titanium screws which are inserted into the jaw bone to replace teeth that are missing or lost. They can be attached to a ceramic crown or bridge to replace an individual tooth, a group of teeth or can be attached to a denture-like device for a more comfortable option than full dentures.

A zygomatic implant is a similar but longer implant that is inserted deeper into the top jaw bone and extends into the bone of the cheek. These are useful for patients that have lost some of the bone in their top jaw where there is inadequate bone to support traditional dental implants.

Our surgeons are highly trained in the use of dental and zygomatic implants and work closely with the very best implant manufacturers. They attend international conferences and seminars regularly to continue to improve their knowledge and keep up to date with the very latest developments in dental implantology.

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